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Chinese traditional music - 霸王卸甲, Liu Fang pipa solo 劉芳
  • 05:11,
  • 2015-01-13,
  • 上傳者: 系統管理者,
  •  0
Liu Fang's unique style of interpretation of this ancient classical piece has been highly acclaimed internationally.

This current video clip is an extract of 6 minutes. The complete version is about 11 minutes and can be found in http://www.myspace.com/liufang. This is one of the most famous master pieces from the traditional pipa repertoire, know as "wu qu" (martial style) as constrast to "wen qu" (civil style or lyrical style). A typical example of the latter is 飛花點翠, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XySO6IRq2nU

The following text is from the concert program note:

The King Chu doffs his Armour (Chinese classical tradition): This masterpiece of pipa is a musical description of a tragic historical event: the defeat of King Xiang Yu who thought himself invincible. During the war which followed the foundation of the Han Empire (202 BC - 220 AD), Xiang Yu suffered a fatal defeat. The pipa depicts the scene of the battle, noises of the soldiers' flight, and the indescribable feeling of being defeated. The performance of this piece demands a whole range of complex techniques and virtuosity, with speed, precision and restraint.

( source: http://www.philmultic.com/liufang/video/ )

劉芳琵琶獨奏錄象之一: "霸王卸甲",傳統保留曲目。2002年3月27日音樂會現場錄音, 由蒙特利爾電視台多元文化台中文部錄制并播放。全曲約11分鐘 (見 http://www.myspace.com/liufang )
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